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Color Utilities for HTML

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Last update July 6, 1997. Copyright © IconBAZAAR 1997. All rights reserved.

1 stars So-so 2 stars OK 3 stars Good 4 stars Great 5 stars WOW!

3 stars ColorJive!

A Java applet that lets you select the color parameters for your pages and preview the effect. You can also load a background file from somewhere else on the Net and see what that will look like, too.

Warning! Don't try this at home unless you've got a high end browser, preferrably Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher.

Reviewed 3/4/97

1 stars Colour Selector Page

Lets you select colors for text and background from a series of menus and then displays the hex RGB values. The trouble is, you may not know what is meant by the colors in the menus so you need to go to a color swatch page to figure it out. I found it slow to load and tedious to use.

Reviewed 3/4/97

3 stars RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart - Doug Jacobson

A single chart with over 200 color swatches displayed and their corresponding Hex RGB values.

Reviewed 3/4/97

4 stars RGB Tool

The RGB tool is a CGI-based utility that lets you choose from a large array of possible background colors for your pages and gives you the hexadecimal code to insert in your <body bgcolor="RRGGBB"> HTML statement. A very useful service!

Reviewed 6/15/96

5 stars Through the 6x6x6 Color Cube - An Interactive Voyage

"The 6x6x6 Color Cube contains the 216 colors that appear without dithering (speckles) in web browsers for the PC and Macintosh platforms. These colors are suitable to use wherever you need areas of pure flat color on your web pages, such as type and line-art illustrations. On these pages you can see the colors against both black and white backgrounds, as well as whatever background you use in your browser. You can also see what text looks like in these colors and on these colors."

Reviewed 2/23/97

4 stars Victor Engel's No Dither Netscape Color Palette

"Netscape uses a general purpose palette to render images it encounters on the Worldwide Web. This palette is a frequent source of trouble for page authors around the world. This document is an effort to provide an explanation and a tool for authors to use to improve their pages. The Netscape palette for forground colors usually consists of all the combinations of 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, FF for each of the red, green, and blue elements of the color descriptor. This results in 216 (6x6x6) distinct colors. These colors are pictured in the following illustration. If you are using a browser that supports client side image maps, you can click on the image to get a clickable map."

Reviewed 2/23/97

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